evilcatbert knows all!

Bringing you the world from on high. As cats are curious, independent and sure they know everything, prepare to be enlightened.


A time to remember what really matters...

I spent last evening at the home of one of our employees who's mother passed away just before Easter at age 82. It was her memorial service on 4/14/10. What impressed me most about this occasion was how Robin's "work family" was able to support her during this very difficult time. Coworkers prepared food, brought drinks, played host/ess and comforted the bereaved in whatever way they could. Whether it was members of her immediate department or managers/coworkers from other departments, there was a steady stream of support for her during what had to be a terrible, terrible day - saying her final goodbye to her mom.
The most important thing I did yesterday was spending time with Robin, her brother and my co-workers. While we enjoy having others with us during the good times, it's the ones who stand with us in the darkness that carry us forward and whom we carry with us throughout our lives.

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